Monday, March 28, 2011

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Get it?

I know I don't rule the world. Trust me, I know this.

I'm 23. I'm at the bottom of the "real world" food chain. The only real things I have control over is what I eat, wear, and how I act everyday. All I ask--don't patronize me.  Being disrespected does not exactly fly with me. Sorry I'm not sorry.

Having a job has opened my eyes to a lot of things, mostly that people aren't always who they claim to be. Contrary to belief, not everyone is a sweetheart, not everyone is willing to help, not everyone will treat you how you should be treated. Golden rule, anyone?

The golden rule is extremely cliche, but undeniably true.  I've been told since, well, forever, that you should always do the right thing. The right thing, what does that even mean?

To me it means opening the door for someone, giving someone a firm handshake when you first meet, telling the cashier they accidentally gave you too much money back, taking the high road, staying on the phone for a friend who's upset even when you have 19381 other things to do, saying please, thank you, and excuse me, giving honest advice (even when you won't take it yourself), having the courage to admit fault, learning from it, being faithful, getting the work done first, giving credit when credit is due, putting family first, cherishing your relationships, going out of your way for the ones you love, showing respect when it's deserved.

It's not always easy, but it's pretty simple. Be a good person where ever, whenever.

Lesson Learned: In order to get respect you have to get it. You can never be too generous with kindness, compassion, and sincerity. At the end of the day, being a good person is what matters most. People remember how they are treated, and one of these days you might just need the person you stepped all over.

Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both, that's real power.--Clint Eastwood

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